Guild Dungeons 2 Hacked

lightbutton Play Guild Dungeons 2 Unhacked

Game & Hack Information

Apr 22, 2013 24113 Plays Arcade 1.04 KB

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Hack Information:
Keyhacks: Press 1 Gold - 2 Gems - 3 Stones - 4 Copper - 5 Tin - 6 Wood - 7 Iron - 8 Meat - 9 Cheese - 0 Fruit - Q Mushrooms - W Ale - E Mana - R Pearls - T Moss - Z Bread - U Wheat - I Bronze - A Population - Link gives more silver

Game Information
Collect resources and build an army.

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Hacked By: selectLOL



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Hacked By: selectLOL



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Retya's avatar
Retya      (more than a year ago)

Give me more downvotes

Retya's avatar
Retya      (more than a year ago)

Give me some downvotes

shadowmoon11's avatar
shadowmoon11      (more than a year ago)

Runetooth: Tooth x3 Stone x1 Fossil x1 Towerblade: Wood x1 Onyx x1 Meteor x1 Onyx x2 Blood Sword: Coral x1 Tear x4

shadowmoon11's avatar
shadowmoon11      (more than a year ago)

Pain Choker: Tear Tooth Tear Tooth Tear Ancient Bracer: Tooth x1 Mycelium x1 Feather x1 Coral x1 Fossil x1 Rookery Clasp: Feather x5 Butterfly Pendant: Coral x2 Meteor x1 Antler x1 Pearl x1 Ogre Charm: Coral x1 Scale x3 Flame x1 Runetooth: Tooth x3 S

shadowmoon11's avatar
shadowmoon11      (more than a year ago)

Black Staff: Onyx x5 Serpent Spear: Wood x4 Onyx x1 Morning Star: Wood x3 Onyx x2 Holders Band: Onyx x1 Flame x1 Wood x1 Leaf x1 Pearl x1 Redwood Bow: Wood x4 Mycelium x1 The Redshield: Scale x4 Flame x1 Pain Choker: Tear Tooth Tear Tooth Tear Ancie

shadowmoon11's avatar
shadowmoon11      (more than a year ago)

Firebolt: Ruby, Fire, Force Icebolt: Aquamarine, Ice, Force Boulder Smash: Fire, Earth, Force Lightning Bolt: Garnet, Thunder Health Boost: Garnet, Earth, Death, Nature Black Bone Swords: Citrine, Death Healing Aura: Amethyst, Air, Nature

username125's avatar
username125      (more than a year ago)

Butterfly pendant-coral,coral,metoeor,antler,pearl

Rager2013's avatar
Rager2013      (more than a year ago)

selectLOL just needs to make it one button for everything not everything single other button

unkown738's avatar
unkown738      (more than a year ago)

Earth,Force,Nature=Raccoon Companions=spell
Earth=stone golem=spell

unkown738's avatar
unkown738      (more than a year ago)

this is one of my favorite items in this game,to craft it u need to use,
Coral,teardrop,teardrop,teardrop,teardrop=blo od sword

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