Obama Skeet Shooting Hacked

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May 05, 2013 46159 Plays Shooting 48.7 KB

Hacked By: leverage419    

Hack Information:
Hackbar: Press 6 Money (100-5000)

Game Information
Did you know president Obama is a great skeet shooter? In this game you can show his skills. It starts with some harmless clay pigeons but after a few rounds bigger and stronger projectiles will appear and you will have to buy many upgrades. Can you defend The White House for 25 waves? Use your mouse to aim and shoot. Use 1-5 keys to change your current weapon and press R to reload.

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Guest9876's avatar
Guest9876      (more than a year ago)

this game would be better with obama being shot

D1000's avatar
D1000      (more than a year ago)

i was hoping the people on the title pic would be shooting obama not stupid discs

yeah123fez's avatar
yeah123fez      (more than a year ago)

This game is worse compared being f***ed by a ape

aaalex123's avatar
aaalex123      (more than a year ago)

I hacked this comment so when you give 1 vote, it goes up to 5 votes

destroyer22135's avatar
destroyer22135      (more than a year ago)

it was a joke i love obama obama are better than im a peace of bullsh*t

overlygoodgamer's avatar
overlygoodgamer      (more than a year ago)

BO had a d a m n Uzi that freakin hilarious xD

overlygoodgamer's avatar
overlygoodgamer      (more than a year ago)

what to I do in my spare time you ask... I STROKE THE SAUSAGE

Classador's avatar
Classador      (more than a year ago)

No one realizes this game was supposed to be a joke...xD

moxoshy's avatar
moxoshy      (more than a year ago)

is it good

Bloopers56's avatar
Bloopers56      (more than a year ago)

what the hell is wrong with him barack obama doesnt look like that!

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