4 Wheel Madness 3 Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Dec 29, 2009 11255 Plays Action 2.51 MB

Hacked By: MiguelRaimond    

Hack Information:
Infinite Health

Game Information
The objective of the game is to get to the end of the course. There are various obstacles and items that may decrease your health. There are also items that will help you finish the course.

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Cheats: Hackbar: Press [1] Toggle Health - [2] Decrease Enemy Health...

Hacked By: leverage419



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Cheats: Hackbar: Press [1] Toggle Godmode

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Cheats: Hackbar: Press [1] Toggle Health - [2] Toggle Abilities - [3...

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will0103's avatar
will0103      (more than a year ago)

This was my favourite game when i was little....

I remember clearing all the levels for my first time i dont realy want a time hack i can do it even without any hack

Thumbs up if you agree

dragonfable27521's avatar
dragonfable27521      (more than a year ago)

need time hack

Lucio5LT's avatar
Lucio5LT      (more than a year ago)


ikhaatditspel's avatar
ikhaatditspel      (more than a year ago)

Thumbs up if you like the random button

Thr3eFreaks's avatar
Thr3eFreaks      (more than a year ago)

screw the infinate health (though it's good,) we need infinate time.

bottoscott's avatar
bottoscott     (more than a year ago)

yea we need infinate heatlth infinate time

jihuy's avatar
jihuy      (more than a year ago)

Yup it does need time hack.

jihuy's avatar
jihuy      (more than a year ago)

XD does it still need time hack?
Don't rate for this thumbs down if it does not need or thumbs up if it does need time hack XD

jihuy's avatar
jihuy      (more than a year ago)

Really needs time hack like about 9999999999 time and it never ever ever ever goes away XD

cooper43321's avatar
cooper43321      (more than a year ago)


discokossan's avatar
discokossan      (more than a year ago)

1% madda jump

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