Sherlock Holmes Hacked


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Dec 30, 2009 7596 Plays Puzzle 321.68 KB

Hacked By: Carpet    

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Game Information
You will be shown a 'before' and 'after' picture of a crime scene. All you have to do is to spot the clues of the 'after' picture. There are five clues on each pictures and five crime scenes in total. You only have 90 secs on each crime scene, so be quick. Every wrong guess will deduct 5 seconds from your remaining time. Lets play and find the differences!

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slimthug210's avatar
slimthug210      (more than a year ago)

keep click 1 of the missing things

netgear's avatar
netgear      (more than a year ago)

wen u find 1 of em then keep clickin the same one and yul finish lev -)

dutchould's avatar
dutchould      (more than a year ago)

if you found 1 click on that ting so you can play the lvl

maximusboo's avatar
maximusboo      (more than a year ago)

i found out when you press right mouse key then press you skip levels

idoms's avatar
idoms      (more than a year ago)

hack infite money plzzzzz!!

m4h1's avatar
m4h1      (more than a year ago)


rratan's avatar
rratan      (more than a year ago)

just click 1 clue 5 times and you get them all LOL

cookielover8000's avatar
cookielover8000      (more than a year ago)

find 1 clue wiv tab and then click it loads of times and you'll get not only all 5 clues but keep clicking and you get more than 5 clues lol

moosmoos's avatar
moosmoos     (more than a year ago)

Yup so it is :D

moosmoos's avatar
moosmoos      (more than a year ago)

Find 1 difference ( u can do it by tab) Click it 5 times :P.

Nujjitoza's avatar
Nujjitoza      (more than a year ago)

yeah alrite bit boring...but i guess these games r like that

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