Hacked By: leverage419
Hack Information:
Hackbar: Press 1 Toggle Life
Game Information
A parody game: help Kanye and Kim reach the restaurant without bumping their heads into street signs. Take out the paparazzi camera's for extra points. Use arrow keys to duck, smash, hit and jump.
How to play:
left arrow key: smash sign post
down arrow key: avoid sign post
right arrow key: smash camera
Up arrow key: jump on camera
Cheats: Hackbar: Press [1] Toggle Health - [2] Toggle Ammo - [3] Tog...
Hacked By: leverage419
this is the worst game ever
hhhhfhhfhhfhfhhfhshahashdhshasdhusduhfdhuhufwhufhe herohrhweuriuagfiuq hgrhqruhyqrihrutejfh9qerhkjgdsfu9gqkjfbiuerjkguidc ghkjawhroiaslnoiqwhkmahsifoahwehfioadshfoqwheirhqw ioehroiwhriowhreowriwhoierhweiorhwieorhwieohrioweh riowehriowhriowhriwhriohwierhi
Kanye vs the NORTH pole... teehee
its good game
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