Killer Whale Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Dec 31, 2009 35419 Plays Adventure 3.93 MB

Hacked By: Proditor    

Hack Information:
Health hack

Game Information
In this action/puzzle game, you are a killer whale trapped in Sea Hell! Use your killer instinct and logic to escape

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Cairnyboy's avatar
Cairnyboy      (more than a year ago)

I can't get the one with the net and balls

duffyboo's avatar
duffyboo      (more than a year ago)

there shuld be a rage hack

SuperKnight's avatar
SuperKnight     (more than a year ago)


Ab2701211's avatar
Ab2701211      (more than a year ago)

whale:i shall kill them as chuck norris did
(chuch norris apears)
me:holy ****

migjee09's avatar
migjee09      (more than a year ago)

lol the killer whale has buff

DubstepRocks100's avatar
DubstepRocks100      (more than a year ago)

My Controls dont work what can i do?
Help please

werewolffan123's avatar
werewolffan123      (more than a year ago)

confusing but fun
cuz i luv violence (im a girl)

Danoz's avatar
Danoz      (more than a year ago)

the controls are stupid it should be right arrow - forward/right direction, up - up, down - down, n left arrow - back/left direction.. cool game jus think it'd b better that way

eal089's avatar
eal089      (more than a year ago)


werewolffan123's avatar
werewolffan123      (more than a year ago)

this game is so hard...i cant figure out the fregin contols!!

supertronsam456's avatar
supertronsam456     (more than a year ago)

You mean Freakin

IuseName's avatar
IuseName     (more than a year ago)

speling doesnt matter

FleeperTehHacker's avatar
FleeperTehHacker      (more than a year ago)

7450 is my best.

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