Bomber at War 2 Hacked

lightbutton Play Bomber at War 2 Unhacked

Game & Hack Information

Aug 16, 2013 376779 Plays Action 1.08 KB

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Hack Information:
Keyhacks: Press 5 Toggle health - 6 Toggle Overheat - 7 Toggle firerate - 8 Bombs - 9 Money - 0 Lives

Game Information
Kill all enemies.

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TheCommander's avatar
TheCommander      (more than a year ago)

level 21 is the easiest one

MrOcelot98's avatar
MrOcelot98      (more than a year ago)

Beat level 21 afrer some tries.

D4rkz's avatar
D4rkz      (more than a year ago)

I managed to pass level 21

PowerChicken's avatar
PowerChicken      (more than a year ago)

I BEAT LEVEL 21!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sheineman897's avatar
sheineman897      (more than a year ago)

Make a win level hack level 21 is immpossible

louni's avatar
louni      (more than a year ago)

cant get past lvl 21
how am i supposted to beat that level ? huh

TheKiller5009's avatar
TheKiller5009      (more than a year ago)

This is my 2 favorite game of war, the 1 is War Heroes France: 1944 LOL

SethBoi's avatar
SethBoi      (more than a year ago)

This game doesn't really need hacking cuz if you go the very last upgrade (which is a grey X) and buy it regardless of how much money you have, the money count at the bottom right becomes a $ and you then have infinite moolah to play with.

fastjet6's avatar
fastjet6      (more than a year ago)

level 21 is really really hard how is anyone supposed to beat that level

fastjet6's avatar
fastjet6      (more than a year ago)

yeah level 17 is pretty hard but i just beat it with a f-22 and all the high stuff on my plane!!!! :)

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