Mental Hospital Escape Hacked

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Sep 03, 2013 28659 Plays Puzzle 36.68 KB

Hacked By: leverage419    

Hack Information:
Hackbar: Press 1 Win Level

Game Information
Help the crazy guy to escape the mental hospital before the midnight because there will be even more monsters and dragons flying around afterwards.

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KillerLol's avatar
KillerLol      (more than a year ago)

funny game

bobm12345's avatar
bobm12345      (more than a year ago)


AmkiPersonel's avatar
AmkiPersonel      (more than a year ago)

Thumbs up when u remember Dpetty
Thumbs down when u hate him :'(

mijail's avatar
mijail      (more than a year ago)

goood game leverage416!

ertyn1's avatar
ertyn1      (more than a year ago)

my time is 6:53
btw good game :)

ert4's avatar
ert4     (more than a year ago)

hey ya copied my name

dude1000's avatar
dude1000     (more than a year ago)

He joined before you.

stelistul's avatar
stelistul      (more than a year ago)

interesting game
my time- 08:52

Ayboss's avatar
Ayboss      (more than a year ago)

Good game leverage419 thanks

rafique97's avatar
rafique97      (more than a year ago)


CarolineSez's avatar
CarolineSez      (more than a year ago)

Why do we keep hacking these kind of games? It's all the exact same, just with a different skin over it. Get good games... please?

HackDevil's avatar
HackDevil     (more than a year ago)

Don't complain about the games we hack.

You think these "are all the same, just with a different skin over it" because you don't like this games. As for me, I LOVE this kind of games!

blank1's avatar
blank1     (more than a year ago)


jozaph12's avatar
jozaph12      (more than a year ago)

music is great

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