Gang Wars Hacked

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Oct 19, 2013 11621 Plays Arcade 49.41 KB

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Hack Information:
Hackbar: Press 1 Toggle health - 2 Reset time - 3 Win level

Game Information
Get in the car and kill the others.

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theequa's avatar
theequa      (more than a year ago)


dude1000's avatar
dude1000     (more than a year ago)

Somebody should teach you how to count you are way beyond sixth.

dude1000's avatar
dude1000     (more than a year ago)

Somebody should teach you how to count you are way beyond sixth.

dude1000's avatar
dude1000      (more than a year ago)

This is game is ok. These guys commenting beneath are morons..

Nitrohan's avatar
Nitrohan     (more than a year ago)


dude1000's avatar
dude1000     (more than a year ago)

I also agree to both of you, but it get's annoying with the T-hird f-ourth and f-irst concept. They brag about what position b ut try to be left alone by saying "I love Selectlol" and "And good game." True, nothing is original, but.. (To b continued)

dude1000's avatar
dude1000     (more than a year ago)

Nitrohan :D Remember me? I remember you both, but apocalypitc13,you left me scratching my head. Are you trying to say that people are biased based on who kisses up to selectlol? Most people on this website are biased based on if you make a typo etc

dude1000's avatar
dude1000     (more than a year ago)

Nobody cares about positions.. Just play the game and also selectlol doesn't talk to us for this reason go read his description.

1Pink0Flame1's avatar
1Pink0Flame1      (more than a year ago)


markocolt33's avatar
markocolt33      (more than a year ago)

Um doesn't load F_O_U_R_T_H! ok now lets play!

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