Supercar Asphalt King Hacked

lightbutton Play Supercar Asphalt King Unhacked

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Dec 08, 2013 32219 Plays Racing 36.86 KB

Hacked By: leverage419    

Hack Information:
Hackbar: Press 1 Toggle Shield - 2 Toggle Speed - 3 Toggle Fire Rate - 4 Win Level

Game Information

  • Currently 3/5
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mobile786's avatar
mobile786      (more than a year ago)

its okay

snecool's avatar
snecool      (more than a year ago)

whoever made this is a nicompoop!!

drflash55's avatar
drflash55      (more than a year ago)

Also, the speed-o-meter bugs out at times.

Everything has flaws, but god that horrible quality music. It's almost like a 16 year old designed this.

AI: C- (Because they are slow at catching up to you) Quality: C Gameplay: B- RESULTS: C

drflash55's avatar
drflash55      (more than a year ago)

Also, this game is not that bad. In turns of steering is horrible, but everything else is quite fine. Except those cheap shots with the missiles. Good thing there's the Shield!

Why are you people hating this game? It's a 2013 flash game, guys... ._.

drflash55's avatar
drflash55      (more than a year ago)

I'm only voting on what everyone else says. *shrugs*

ngehrts's avatar
ngehrts      (more than a year ago)


ngehrts's avatar
ngehrts      (more than a year ago)


daniel092401's avatar
daniel092401      (more than a year ago)

worst game i ever played

goodtry's avatar
goodtry      (more than a year ago)

boring game

blakekapp's avatar
blakekapp      (more than a year ago)

the game suck.Not the hacks.

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