Hacked By: leverage419
Hack Information:
Hackbar: Press 1 Toggle Health - 2 Toggle Time - 3 Money (10-500) - 4 Win Level
Game Information
Being in the industry of wood cutting is not very easy, but if you do your job well, it could be quite rewarding. Use your arrow keys to drive your wood cutting vehicle and your space bar to brake. Go next to a tree and press the Z key to start cutting it. You will get a mini game in which you have to use your buzzsaw to cut down trees. While your hitting point will move up and down along the tree, you should press your space bar when it is aligned correctly. Hit the tree several times to cut it and then transport it to your base, where you will receive money for the wood. In the bottom right corner of the screen you can see your target cash you have to collect and the money collected so far. Reach your target before the timer in the bottom left corner of the screen runs out. Use your money between levels to upgrade your buzzsaw, your wheels and your engine, which will improve your general performance in the game. Just be careful not to hit the animals, because money will be deducted from your account and also you will lose some health. Have a blast!
Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [S] Toggle Health - [D] Toggle Lives
Hacked By: leverage419
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the money hack does work yoiuy have to be in a level in oreder for it too work
thanks, leverage!
the game is awesome!
Use the money hack in the gameplay, not in the Upgrade menu.
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