Zombie Terminator Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Jan 18, 2010 20554 Plays Shooting 10.06 MB

Hacked By: Proditor    

Hack Information:
Health,all weapons unlocked with infinite ammo--Note: The game is huge,let it load for a while

Game Information
Requested by nikolai<br />
A dangerous experiment is run to create a super soldier from the dead convicts.

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Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [S] Toggle lives

Hacked By: selectLOL



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ultrademon's avatar
ultrademon      (more than a year ago)

*seems the white screen* oh that its my future! :)

redrobin48's avatar
redrobin48      (more than a year ago)

the game sucks but it has a good story line

FatGiantBunny's avatar
FatGiantBunny      (more than a year ago)

efsevhsdjbfgjvdsnjbgsdjfgjbsdfbgjhfsbhsdfbjhsdfjbh jdsfbhjdfjksdvjdfjvbdsfjvbjhbdfvjhbdfjvbjhxbvhjdfb vjhdvbdhvbvbsdfjvbjndsfvjxdbjv sdjfhgiafdhkjgbzfdcgbvj sbdffdv msd vnzdf vn dfn aewd gfv sdf v sdfv de g ergdfv sdrfst hreysv yj hytjhfjhfggny m,m v

SweetShortSusan's avatar
SweetShortSusan      (more than a year ago)

stell, game sucks, no permanent fire and very weak gun

SweetShortSusan's avatar
SweetShortSusan      (more than a year ago)

Takes a sec to load and no white screen

selecta09's avatar
selecta09      (more than a year ago)

trolol zombie

wesker225's avatar
wesker225      (more than a year ago)


wesker225's avatar
wesker225      (more than a year ago)

its a big game its needs to load...
and yeah white screen sucks.

Supaman's avatar
Supaman      (more than a year ago)

Right click then forward

darkbeast980's avatar
darkbeast980      (more than a year ago)

*stares at white screen* THIS IS THE BEST GAME EEEEEVVVVVVEEEEEER!!!!!

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