Zombie Battlefield Hacked

lightbutton Play Zombie Battlefield Unhacked

Game & Hack Information

Aug 19, 2014 46456 Plays Shooting 6.09 MB

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Hack Information:
Hackbar: Press G Toggle health - H Toggle tower health - J Toggle ammo - K Toggle bullet power - L Kill enemies - B Win level - N Money

Game Information
Zombies are taking over the city! Try to keep them from destroying your barricade! Buy upgrades to give yourself the best chance of surviving!

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33252 plays                       

Cheats: Hackbar: Press [1] Win level

Hacked By: selectLOL

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MrUSA's avatar
MrUSA      (more than a year ago)

over one year later... Still black screen!?

MrUSA's avatar
MrUSA      (more than a year ago)

Dust? I never wrote that. Strange.

MrUSA's avatar
MrUSA      (more than a year ago)

Is this saposed to be a fun game, or a BLACK SCREEN OF BULL dust!

MegaGamer15's avatar
MegaGamer15      (more than a year ago)

Dear selectlol and whomever it may concern I am a programmer,coder,and if you would like a "hacker".I don't like when people complain about there not being certain hacks for a game it takes so much time to even add 1 line of code.DONT HATE!

FINALDYNAMITE      (more than a year ago)


HappahCHOPAH's avatar
HappahCHOPAH      (more than a year ago)

me:*keep holding L button* all zombies:*faceground*

milanbrajic's avatar
milanbrajic      (more than a year ago)

So, my conclusion is that the main-man himself , Selectlol , is not hacking FREAKIN' RAZE 3 on purpouse.

Fukyu2's avatar
Fukyu2      (more than a year ago)

it was alright. But with the Bullet Power Hack On, all you have to do is keep the cosshairs center left and 1 bullet will take out Several Zombies at once. It will also lock up if you toggle it Off while shooting. Please Unlock all Weapons/Shooters.

Novusatos's avatar
Novusatos      (more than a year ago)

Im an idiot

pfpak's avatar
pfpak     (more than a year ago)


Novusatos's avatar
Novusatos      (more than a year ago)

I cant stop playing...

pfpak's avatar
pfpak     (more than a year ago)


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