Hacked By: selectLOL
Hack Information:
Hackbar: Press 1 Toggle health - 2 Toggle armor - 3 Toggle ammo - 4 Money (1000-10000) - 5 Unlock items
Game Information
Aliens have assaulted Earth so its up to you to assemble your squad and defend the human race with your alien attack team.
Cheats: Press: [1] Speed++ [2] Speed-- [3] Life++ [4] Life-- [5...
Hacked By: thegames8
i wonder what happened with the persons of this website
Noice game
Alien Attack Team 1 dosent work
si funciona el truco soy invisible :D
The struggle on Earth is over, but the war of peace is just beginning...
i found a bug i purchased bomb squad pack and donts go back to menu
my high score in slope game slopex is 11 LOL!!!
Anyone else feel like a total pro playing this game? No? Just me? Cool.
Dpetty died from cancer r.I.P in the mlg hacking game heaven you will be missed by us gamers/nerds/mlg lovers rest in pepperoni rest in spaghetti we will never forgetti c
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