Hacked By: selectLOL
Hack Information:
Hackbar: Press 1 Toggle health - 2 Toggle energy - 3 Toggle energy stored - Links give more
Game Information
Assemble Giant's parts from top to bottom,
What do you prefer? Shotgun at left hand, or Flamethrower at right leg?
Go mix and match all the head, torso, hand, leg, and battery for the Giant!
Discover the effective combination to make the strongest Giant!
Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [S] Toggle lives - [D] Toggle reflect
Hacked By: selectLOL
look at giant's legs while attacing in boss level XD!
Good game all in all, buuuuuut I do still the some of the hacks could have been better.
When you get 50% on your city you will get new shop items
When you defeat a boss you can get weapons (including armor)
is the music saying all hail jesus? if it is YAY! (sorry for you poor people who are atheists)
Ninja game Party is awesome
you all know everytime when Goody Gamework and Armor Games work together to make a game,the graphics always turn out to be like that.
k,but i still don't know if K.I.N.G 2 is released yet,so i googling it now.
Request it if you want it hacked.
i want K.I.N.G 2 pls.
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