MineQuest Idle Hacked

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Game & Hack Information

Mar 11, 2015 128377 Plays Arcade 37.45 KB

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Hack Information:
Hackmenu (Backslash(\) Open/Close): 1 Add 10x money - 2 Toggle 1 hit kills - 3 Add gems (10-500) - 4 Level up active - 5 Level up idle

Game Information
Mine rocks and gems. Use the materials you gather to craft better pickaxes. Buy upgrades to improve your mining and crafting abilities. Mine better rocks with your improved abilities, and repeat the process.

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4218 plays                       

Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [S] Win level

Hacked By: selectLOL



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joao123's avatar
joao123      (more than a year ago)

i hate the bug of the money
it's too cool but when go to "0e303" and the money go to 0millions cant buy nothing, even selling itens don't work, to des-bug this need rebith.

SkyV3n0mASF's avatar
SkyV3n0mASF     (more than a year ago)

No point in replying he died 2 years ago

xXTrAsHXx565's avatar
xXTrAsHXx565      (more than a year ago)

literally nobody:
this game:
*shows white screen*
"Reality can be whatever I want"

Airstrikingboss's avatar
Airstrikingboss      (more than a year ago)

how do you get it to work

gaturrito100's avatar
gaturrito100      (more than a year ago)

Works now!

raphael's avatar
raphael      (more than a year ago)

white screen

LlamawolfT's avatar
LlamawolfT      (more than a year ago)

When it loads: yay!
Then it goes to white screen: *megalovania intensifies*

IdleSolver's avatar
IdleSolver      (more than a year ago)


SmackMan's avatar
SmackMan      (more than a year ago)

*white screen intensifies*

jaxs324212's avatar
jaxs324212     (more than a year ago)

is it broken?

Alexylaly's avatar
Alexylaly      (more than a year ago)

i love selectLol

joao123's avatar
joao123     (more than a year ago)

i too

W1NT3R's avatar
W1NT3R      (more than a year ago)

That game have very lag in start.And that is good clicker.

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