Dungeon Warfare Hacked


Game & Hack Information

May 02, 2015 50745 Plays Tower Defence 23.6 MB

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Hack Information:
Keyhacks: Press G Toggle lives - H Money - J EXP (in lvl only) - L Gems (in lvl only)

Game Information
Build traps and kill adventurers.

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Castle Tales

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Cheats: Hackbar: Press [1] Win Level

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Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [S] Toggle Godmode - [D] Win Level

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Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [S] Toggle godmode

Hacked By: selectLOL



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nerf6000's avatar
nerf6000      (more than a year ago)

crashes every now and then but otherwise its an awesome game to play

phantommarionet's avatar
phantommarionet      (more than a year ago)

It wont let me play...

Endermanwich's avatar
Endermanwich      (more than a year ago)

Games' broke, it won't let me play with installing unity which I already have

Themageofrage's avatar
Themageofrage      (more than a year ago)

You can kill enemies with barricades

100rocker's avatar
100rocker      (more than a year ago)


Kiziplayer's avatar
Kiziplayer      (more than a year ago)

This Game Is So Much Cool I Played It And I Recommend To Play It.

Blythening's avatar
Blythening      (more than a year ago)

This is still in early access on Steam. It's not yet finished. Only a few of the levels are playable for now. Nonetheless, it's a lot of fun. Can't wait to purchase this game when it releases later this month.

UltraHybrid's avatar
UltraHybrid      (more than a year ago)


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