Gangster Mayhem 4 Hacked

lightbutton Play Gangster Mayhem 4 Unhacked

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Aug 18, 2015 9032 Plays Arcade 1002 B

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Hack Information:
Keyhacks: Press 1 Toggle player health - 2 Toggle base health - 3 Add unit - 4Win level - 5 Money

Game Information
Gangster currently attacking your headquarters by riding a monsters! Your task is to defend your headquarters while saving your army!

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Kairen2004's avatar
Kairen2004      (more than a year ago)


Fukyu2's avatar
Fukyu2      (more than a year ago)


Thecommentator's avatar
Thecommentator     (more than a year ago)

So true,Thegay8 has really bad games,Cant we get a untruder combat training like game? or atleast something fun?! Nah boi

Thecommentator's avatar
Thecommentator      (more than a year ago)

Do you remember when there was good games on this site? Yeah,Me neither.

xXCrazyNoodlesXx's avatar
xXCrazyNoodlesXx     (more than a year ago)

People just suggest weird games.

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