Go Kart Racing Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Aug 21, 2015 36810 Plays Racing 45.11 MB

Hacked By: leverage419    

Hack Information:
Keyhacks: Press 1 Toggle Nitro

Game Information
Go Kart Racing is a Go Kart game set in many different environments. Take your place on the race track in one of the 5 colourful settings and aim to finish first to progress to the next level. Different sceneries include the beach, the desert, the forest, the swamp and finally lava land!

Arrow keys to drive, R to reset, Ctrl to nitro.

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Subhaan01's avatar
Subhaan01      (more than a year ago)

If you hate this game like this comment

snuzzleplop2's avatar
snuzzleplop2      (more than a year ago)

haahahah ugli

snuzzleplop2's avatar
snuzzleplop2      (more than a year ago)

hah lol game is f888 9wtf0 what the f888 hhaahahahahah fox say fu88 hhhaahahah the game is lol ahahahah ][ f''k

Crazycheese10's avatar
Crazycheese10      (more than a year ago)

That moment when you cant past a lvl always use hacking website

Crazycheese10's avatar
Crazycheese10      (more than a year ago)

heh LOL!!!!!

verader009's avatar
verader009      (more than a year ago)

a big dust

noobybuby's avatar
noobybuby      (more than a year ago)

the controlls are dust

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