Punchifier Hacked

lightbutton Play Punchifier Unhacked

Game & Hack Information

Oct 15, 2015 97817 Plays Beat em Up 36.44 KB

Hacked By: leverage419    

Hack Information:
Hackbar: Press 1 Toggle Health - 2 Instakill Enemy - 3 XP (1000-10000) (NOTE: After using hack 2, punch the enemy to proceed to the next.)

Game Information
Are you a good fighter? Then this game is for you! There are so many guy, and you are going to beat them all! Choose the opponent and fight! Like the last time! Use mouse click to play and get a lot of points. Ready? Then go!

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Hacked By: leverage419



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NikolaRS3's avatar
NikolaRS3      (more than a year ago)

This game is so cool!

Eddie11999's avatar
Eddie11999      (more than a year ago)

Make the xp giver up to 1000000 (1 million)

DrSkillz's avatar
DrSkillz      (more than a year ago)

its Dr.Skillz vs game developer: player uses super ultra mega punch, game developer uses... um game developer? Spectator: he's dead Jim!

DrSkillz's avatar
DrSkillz      (more than a year ago)

Go fer da eyes!!!!!!!!

PixelPirhana's avatar
PixelPirhana      (more than a year ago)

Okai i can understand the other people but the cat? no... just no... (i will probably get stupid replys saying GET USED TO IT ITS A GAME!!)

TheEvanator's avatar
TheEvanator     (more than a year ago)


PixelPirhana's avatar
PixelPirhana     (more than a year ago)

No, no i wont get used to it

PixelPirhana's avatar
PixelPirhana     (more than a year ago)


1. They're called hacks not mods

2. are you serious?? why do you think ArcadePreHACKS would make you forget you have hacks?

Watersword13's avatar
Watersword13      (more than a year ago)

LOL! The ninja is Naruto

naruto720704's avatar
naruto720704      (more than a year ago)

Wow XD

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