Seppuku Jisei Hacked

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Nov 10, 2015 16576 Plays Action 37.17 KB

Hacked By: leverage419    

Hack Information:
Hackmenu (Backslash(\) Open/Close): 1 Toggle Health

Game Information
The battle is lost. Your soldiers have fled. As a noble Samurai, you now have only one way to die with honour. Seppuku - ritual suicide by cutting your abdomen. But first, you must compose your death poem, and to do that, you must hold off the enemy troops long enough to write it.
Seppuku Jisei is a short, dark, narrative focused action game about Samurai honour and poetry. Note: contains pixel-art violence and themes of ritual suicide.

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BitCloner's avatar
BitCloner      (more than a year ago)

I guess a "you suck, go kill yourself!" joke wouldn't fly here.

HJP1993's avatar
HJP1993      (more than a year ago)

Hm... if the higher levels didn't all require multiple hits to kill this would be pretty easy (just kite them).

Honestly, I'm glad this is short or it'd get really boring really fast. Make for a decent upgrade game as HackLover2015 mentioned though.

Carl987's avatar
Carl987      (more than a year ago)

On Daimyo mode:
"Both the victor / and the vanquished are / but drops of dew / but bolts of lightning /thus should we view the world"

HackLover2015's avatar
HackLover2015      (more than a year ago)

This game may be short, but the ending, as ApocsBack states, may be to dark for children. It would be better if the game had a shop and a boss wave Above all else, Seppuku is the strangest way of suicide i have ever known of. Good hack leverage419.

tacocat's avatar
tacocat      (more than a year ago)

the ending is soooo MEHH WEIRD!!!

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