Command & Control - Spec Ops Hacked

lightbutton Play Command & Control - Spec Ops Unhacked

Game & Hack Information

Jan 06, 2016 239975 Plays Strategy 38.62 KB

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Hack Information:
Hackmenu (Backslash(\) Open/Close): 1 Toggle health - 2 Toggle specials - 3 Lives - 4 Money (1000-10000) - 5 Upgrades - 6 Kill enemies - 7 Win level

Game Information
Assume the role of a tactical commander in eight tower defense combat missions against a notorious criminal organization known as the Syndicate. Deploy and upgrade units and call in artillery and airstrikes to destroy the enemy forces!

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Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [S] Toggle health - [D] Toggle ammo

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patrick62040's avatar
patrick62040      (more than a year ago)

Also as of playing this there is 1 member on me and 572 guests

patrick62040's avatar
patrick62040      (more than a year ago)

The insugent new enemy screen looks like a terroist from csgo holding a knife correct me if i am wrong

Blacksas8's avatar
Blacksas8      (more than a year ago)

if you let a unit die while having the Toggle Health on then he with have 2 gun firing (or more depend how many time he die)

Blacksas8's avatar
Blacksas8     (more than a year ago)

yep it for those who dont know

MrUSA's avatar
MrUSA     (more than a year ago)

why would you dislike me if I already know something? do you realise how stupid that is?

TinyMarksman's avatar
TinyMarksman     (more than a year ago)

I feel you, man.

RandomTurtle's avatar
RandomTurtle     (more than a year ago)

They probably disliked it because he wasn't giving the info to those who knew but to those who didn't know.

swaky89's avatar
swaky89      (more than a year ago)

Radio:looks like theirs just some locals, just keep an eye on them.

Gun soldier:*immediately shoots at the first person they see"


MrUSA's avatar
MrUSA     (more than a year ago)

Steal their grocery's

GetHaxGetGut's avatar
GetHaxGetGut     (more than a year ago)


GetHaxGetGut's avatar
GetHaxGetGut     (more than a year ago)

How do I delete a comment?

patrick62040's avatar
patrick62040     (more than a year ago)

You don't ez

xXGoldenUltimaXx's avatar
xXGoldenUltimaXx      (more than a year ago)

There's an issue with the hack keys. 1 and 2 activate the specials, and the hack keys for Health and Specials just happen to be those 2 keys.

RandomTurtle's avatar
RandomTurtle      (more than a year ago)


theguythatdied's avatar
theguythatdied      (more than a year ago)

when you survive for over a hour in survival "holy **** thats a lot of guys"

MisterMiney's avatar
MisterMiney      (more than a year ago)

Imagine this in two player with one player as the defender and the other as the attacker with a selection of troops and vehicles to choose from.

xXGoldenUltimaXx's avatar
xXGoldenUltimaXx     (more than a year ago)

Just like in Bloons Tower Defense Battles.

EnderDRAG0N's avatar
EnderDRAG0N      (more than a year ago)

good thing selectlol is best hacker ever

Weepoop67's avatar
Weepoop67      (more than a year ago)

Okay, did DPETTY actually die of cancer? or is that just a joke. I would really like to know, I liked his hacks A LOT! If he is dead, then R.I.P and he was an awesome hacker.

Lazybones67's avatar
Lazybones67     (more than a year ago)

nobody really knows everybody said hes dead but it was never confirmed i think its just a arcadeprehacks meme cus cancer is a meme and he doesnt ost hacks anymore so you know

patrick62040's avatar
patrick62040     (more than a year ago)

he is not dead he just retired and some body said he was dead

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