Max Dirt Bike 2 Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Feb 14, 2010 22692 Plays Racing 2.42 MB

Hacked By: ZuckeRb    

Hack Information:
All 30 levels unlocked

Game Information
Ready for more of the pure tilty bike stuff? Outfit your rider and bike in your favorite colors and get tilty, baby! Up/Down for gas/brake and left/right for tilties.

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A Big Crazy Pixel

A Big Crazy Pixel

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Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [S] Toggle Lives

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tristanmiller's avatar
tristanmiller      (more than a year ago)

butt face stop tricking innocent people to give you thumbs up

thisisezra's avatar
thisisezra      (more than a year ago)

this game is pretty awesome

DionWorth's avatar
DionWorth      (more than a year ago)

I HACKED the comments so when u give me a thumbs up I get a extra 5 thumbs yay if u dont belive me try it yourself HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

pinkpunk310's avatar
pinkpunk310     (more than a year ago)

You're a jerk
tricking people for thumbs up. please become a MAN earn RESECT

mountain's avatar
mountain      (more than a year ago)

u can cheat in level 30 (gaps) just go through the first gap and go backwards

kingcrusher123's avatar
kingcrusher123     (more than a year ago)

thats not a cheat

King_Cheat98's avatar
King_Cheat98      (more than a year ago)

this is gna sound stupid but the awkward lvl is the hardest any1 else agree cuz i pasted the last lvl in 4 goes (it was 1st lvl i dne :D)

topgk's avatar
topgk      (more than a year ago)

They need to make a Max Dirt Bike 3

pijus204's avatar
pijus204      (more than a year ago)

found a glitch on step up 2: pass the first stair then carefull and slowly start touching the 2nd step with the front wheel if it doesnt works turn back a little slowly and try agian...sometimes works on 3rd stair thumbs up if it works

pijus204's avatar
pijus204     (more than a year ago)

if it works u will be hitting the start wall :D

awesome100able's avatar
awesome100able      (more than a year ago)

lol riding on words

farseer1013's avatar
farseer1013      (more than a year ago)


kingcrusher123's avatar
kingcrusher123     (more than a year ago)


roberto34's avatar
roberto34      (more than a year ago)


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