Hacked By: axzus
Hack Information:
99999 Health, Infinity Rage, 2 Million Coins, All Guns Unlocked, All Swords Unlocked, 999 Guns Ammo, 999 Grenades.
Heres the new cheat codes
coins, speeds, axzusRULES
Game Information
A awsome stick fighting game, with a lot of ways to kill your enemy. Punch, kick, shoot, slash, even with your super powers!
Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [1] Toggle Health - [2] ...
Hacked By: leverage419
Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [S] Toggle Godmode - [D] Toggle Power
Hacked By: leverage419
stop talking espanyol
Does anyone know what game was used as the thumbnail?
your a gay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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