The Blue Moon Hacked

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Feb 20, 2017 12202 Plays Arcade 36.6 KB

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Hack Information:
Hackbar: Press 1 Toggle energy

Game Information
You are Subject Six, and you awake in a tube in the Blue Moon laboratory. You don't really know much other than that. Oh, and you can power things with your life. And, as can be predicted, you're all alone.

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Hacked By: selectLOL



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ShadowFoxy57's avatar
ShadowFoxy57      (more than a year ago)

We need a blue moon 2! Or at least I need a blue moon 2

lucyfir's avatar
lucyfir      (more than a year ago)

WHAT?! you can't just end like that!

ChilledNova's avatar
ChilledNova      (more than a year ago)

6'4, 225, 17 and 3.5 GPA? LMAO. Absolutely not. No one in that kind of great condition would be acting like a retarded troll via the internet. Terrible lie.

Eddieboy67's avatar
Eddieboy67     (more than a year ago)

Seems like that's exactly what you're doing you cuck. Also you're a little late, you a$$hole. And to add on, you are a fat kid who doesn't even have a job and leeches his parents.

J2004's avatar
J2004      (more than a year ago)

Can someone explain who is the Black Creature at the end of the game, Is it Subject 6's creator or is it Subject 9 or is it another Subject/Creature

JoeFairchild's avatar
JoeFairchild      (more than a year ago)

hey Eddieboy67 i upvoted ur comment but i think the reason why u are getting so many downvotes is because ur a fat old 40 year old playing flash games and doing nothing with your life

Eddieboy67's avatar
Eddieboy67     (more than a year ago)

Also, you are too broke to game on console, so you play the wack bottom games (some of them) on here. Git gud broke boy. Also i'm 6-4 225.

Eddieboy67's avatar
Eddieboy67     (more than a year ago)

Ok, time to 1-up your dumbass.
1. I am 17. Where did you get 40 from?
2. I have a 3.5 GPA and have a part-time job, so your "doing nothing with your life point is also invalid. Learn facts before saying you fat nerd.

Eddieboy67's avatar
Eddieboy67      (more than a year ago)

here go the morons again downvoting my comments. At least reply to why you're downvoting instead of just doing it.

Eddieboy67's avatar
Eddieboy67     (more than a year ago)

Thanks for the kind reply.

J2004's avatar
J2004     (more than a year ago)

I think your comments (and other comments and possibly this one) are being downvoted because people think it isn't needed to be said or it's just spam, anyways, enjoy the continuing reading the comments or playing the game

lucyfir's avatar
lucyfir     (more than a year ago)

110122563. 5552367910.

If you solve my cypher, I will be extremely impressed. Cheers!

ShadowFoxy57's avatar
ShadowFoxy57      (more than a year ago)

this game is awesome

ShadowFoxy57's avatar
ShadowFoxy57      (more than a year ago)


Eddieboy67's avatar
Eddieboy67      (more than a year ago)

Gears of War

Eddieboy67's avatar
Eddieboy67      (more than a year ago)

Good game.

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