Stay Alive LD Hacked

lightbutton Play Stay Alive LD Unhacked

Game & Hack Information

Apr 02, 2017 15636 Plays Arcade 36.67 KB

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Hack Information:
Hackbar: Press 1 Toggle food - 2 Toggle water - 3 Toggle time

Game Information
You are a man that is trying to survive through each day. You need to satisfy your basic needs for food, water and shelter. Each day is 10 seconds long and in that day you have to complete a task. Fail to complete that task and the game is over.

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Pmiker300's avatar
Pmiker300      (more than a year ago)

it dindt load for me though

hacker22149840's avatar
hacker22149840      (more than a year ago)

how i rub stiks

CATTHEMOUSE      (more than a year ago)


Hunter07's avatar
Hunter07      (more than a year ago)

alright game

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