Semantic Wars Hacked

lightbutton Play Semantic Wars Unhacked

Game & Hack Information

Apr 13, 2017 44130 Plays Defence 1.29 MB

Hacked By: leverage419    

Hack Information:
Hackmenu (Backslash(\) Open/Close): 4 Toggle Castle Health - 5 Toggle Units Health - 6 Instakill Enemies - 7 Money

Game Information
A short game of building troops and defeating the enemy castle before they defeat your castle.

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Iron Snout

Iron Snout

75575 plays                       

Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [1] Toggle Health

Hacked By: leverage419

Burning Rose

Burning Rose

5446 plays                       

Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [S] Toggle Godmode - [D] Toggle Bombs

Hacked By: leverage419



4020 plays                       

Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [S] Toggle Life

Hacked By: leverage419



5127 plays                       

Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [S] Toggle Godmode - [D] Toggle Time

Hacked By: leverage419



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arlsept's avatar
arlsept      (more than a year ago)

bien choisie les cheat

scrapmetalfan's avatar
scrapmetalfan      (more than a year ago)


that should be enough to get continual rapid profit.

i suggest constant use of wizards and warriors.

paultamimka's avatar
paultamimka      (more than a year ago)

Not bad

sigma160's avatar
sigma160      (more than a year ago)

all I got was an error file missing

AssHole99's avatar
AssHole99      (more than a year ago)

If the game had more levels, it would be better. Other than that, it's a decent game

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