Hacked By: leverage419
Hack Information:
Keyhacks: Press 1 Toggle P1 Hp - 2 Toggle P2 Hp - 3 Toggle P1 Ki - 4 Toggle P2 Ki - 5 Cheatmode*(unlocks stuff, but may make story unbeatable or not save)
Game Information
Default Controls:
Player 1:
Arrow Keys - Move (double tap to dash)
X - Attack (hold to charge shot)
C - Guard (hold to charge Ki)
Player 2:
4/6/8/2(numpad) - Move (double tap to dash)
I - Attack (hold to charge shot)
O - Guard (hold to charge Ki)
Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [1] Toggle Godmode - [2] Sleep - [3] Thirst ...
Hacked By: leverage419
man this is easy
estaria gueno the ultra instinct mode y the arane de combat the zeno_zama
I'm sorry It would be good the ultra instinct mode and the zeno zama combat arena.
the new update will come soon,like around a week there is gonna be more and new character's and more!!!!!
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