Gates VS Jobs Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Mar 03, 2010 19877 Plays Action 2.99 MB

Hacked By: Net_Philospher    

Hack Information:
Infinite Health

Game Information
Join the fight of the ultimate OS battles and pulsify Gates with the iSaber or incriminate Jobs with a WinSaber.

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xDarkChaosx's avatar
xDarkChaosx      (more than a year ago)

R.I.P Steve Jobs.
That son of a gun who made Apple.

PreHacker122's avatar
PreHacker122      (more than a year ago)

I like Android . . . ^_^

dan2742's avatar
dan2742      (more than a year ago)

GO JOBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mena's avatar
mena      (more than a year ago)

can you hack rpg non-fantasy games ?

Logo16's avatar
Logo16      (more than a year ago)

lol I guess Gates really did win.
RIP Steve Jobs.
I never really cared for you, but I'm sure a bunch of other people did.

legolover12's avatar
legolover12      (more than a year ago)

AMAZON WINS!!! why cuz its random

legolover12's avatar
legolover12     (more than a year ago)


easyduzit's avatar
easyduzit      (more than a year ago)

Just delightful :)
Microsoft is awesome also :( What does i choose. MORPH IN TO IPC!

omarrules101's avatar
omarrules101      (more than a year ago)

gates could take on jobs anyday!

trikster1of4's avatar
trikster1of4     (more than a year ago)

jobs would win every time

EpikHacker's avatar
EpikHacker      (more than a year ago)

wait jobs is only cool for phones and ipod in computer he sucks
microsoft is da real deal 4 computers

trikster1of4's avatar
trikster1of4     (more than a year ago)

apple's computers are some much more reliable than pcs
macs FTW!

trikster1of4's avatar
trikster1of4     (more than a year ago)

opps i meant to say are so no some

doomdesire15's avatar
doomdesire15      (more than a year ago)

gates u stupid nerd.... u suck

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