Snipr 3 : Apocalypse Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Mar 03, 2010 26349 Plays Shooting 5.76 MB

Hacked By: Proditor    

Hack Information:
Money and health

Requested By: dablazer

Game Information
Protect your base by sniping down incoming enemy!

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fyffej's avatar
fyffej      (more than a year ago)

cool game

Jacquesc001's avatar
Jacquesc001      (more than a year ago)


clayman8's avatar
clayman8      (more than a year ago)

u mean snipr 2

UnreadFour's avatar
UnreadFour      (more than a year ago)

Really... what is the difference between this and snipr 4

Shadow1426's avatar
Shadow1426      (more than a year ago)

I can reload at the speed of light, I can punch 99 enemies in 3 seconds, Yet when enimes shoot at a wall, i loose health.

147852369's avatar
147852369      (more than a year ago)

Get auto clicker and pwn!

TheAlekxis00's avatar
TheAlekxis00      (more than a year ago)

this game OWNZ

project154's avatar
project154      (more than a year ago)

Length of time:692 seconds
Overall Score:33,704,000
i died because I bored so I decided to upgrade the base but it was a fun game.

project154's avatar
project154      (more than a year ago)

I forgot to metion one thing try to make sure theres not to many people at the building or it will start lagging and once ur further into the game you'll start encountering blue and red tanks,stickmen more.

project154's avatar
project154      (more than a year ago)

Tip: Wait for the enemys to get ur building then shoot them after you kill all of them waith for the nxt wave.Make sure you upgrade ur gun to the max.Very important don't upgrade ur base!!

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