Mars Miner Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Mar 06, 2010 48363 Plays Strategy 2.45 MB

Hacked By: Proditor    

Hack Information:
Game will be fixed soon! Lots of cash,fuel never expires and infinite hull - health! - Read the note in game info too!

Requested By: brunocssilveira

Game Information
NOTE: You might as well wait a bit on the first white screen. The game is tested 5 times from every browser and it works perfectly.<br /><br />
Dig to the depths of Mars. Precious minerals is the ultimate prize.. How much can you collect?

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best4life's avatar
best4life      (more than a year ago)

such a knock off of the motherload

trollerman's avatar
trollerman      (more than a year ago)

holy crap i exsploded the upgrades shop

fastbob66's avatar
fastbob66      (more than a year ago)

love this game :)

9GagSeesAll's avatar
9GagSeesAll      (more than a year ago)

Most horrible mistake the developers of this game had:

Not being able to dig upwards.

RavenSpyr's avatar
RavenSpyr      (more than a year ago)

Hey I am dead ....let me transport to the top XD

Person7's avatar
Person7      (more than a year ago)

You can bypass the *You cannot drill deeper* message by using C4 or dynamite

ledger2's avatar
ledger2     (more than a year ago)

Use depth tunnelers and make something hold the key down.

Edogg2468's avatar
Edogg2468     (more than a year ago)

true but u can also dig sideways just not down

sheldor505's avatar
sheldor505     (more than a year ago)

i know i taught my sister that cheat

Person7's avatar
Person7      (more than a year ago)

Almost an EXCAT copy of motherload OMG....

ZombieKiller5191's avatar
ZombieKiller5191      (more than a year ago)

*sigh* I remember Proditor/Martin Ristov. Although I didn't catch why in bloody hell he quit.

Mrfail's avatar
Mrfail     (more than a year ago)

all i know is that Dave Petty died :'(

sincara786's avatar
sincara786      (more than a year ago)

this is the copy of mother load

cees's avatar
cees      (more than a year ago)

peanut butter jelly time!

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