Vic's Tower Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Nov 16, 2017 5847 Plays Arcade 367.38 KB

Developed By: Clipper

Hacked By: leverage419    

Hack Information:
Keyhacks: Press S Stopwatch - D Rocket Shoes - F Extra Vic

Game Information
A game about a blob-thing called "Vic" who wants to climb a tower for some reason. Wrap around the screen the screen and collect powerups as you climb the endless tower. Also, all of the platforms are jump-through.
The powerups:
---Extra Vic: If you fall, the Extra Vic can send you to the top of the screen for a second chance.
---Rocket Shoes: The Rocket Shoes can send you flying really high. Useful for saving throws.
---Stopwatch: Stop the autoscroll for a few seconds.

Vic can only hold one powerup at a time, and collecting another one will replace whatever one he had before. They're activated with [x], and are consumed after use.

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