Developed By: PROGRAM_IX
Hacked By: leverage419
Hack Information:
Keyhacks: Press S Toggle Fuel - D Toggle Hull
Game Information
Menu: Z to start game.
Game: DOWN to fire main thruster
LEFT/RIGHT to fire main thrusters
Game over: Z to restart.
It's a lander game! Thrown together in about four hours over two days! Aaaa!
You're aiming to land as fully on the white pad as possible. If you're not on it enough, it won't count.
The wind/gravity is a little different on each level, so be wary of adjustments.
Just mind your fuel, and don't drag the lander along the walls, or you'll bust it up.
Whew another busy month. I have an exploding tooth in my mouth and that has been a bad time. Meanwhile I have been working on some cool Blender scenes in my 'project time' which leaves less time for actually making games. Frustrating at the end of the month when I end up rushing, but it feels good the rest of the month. page: here.
#onegameamonth June 2019
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