Defrost Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Jan 31, 2020 9059 Plays Arcade 4.32 MB

Hacked By: leverage419    

Hack Information:
Keyhacks: Press 1 Toggle Light Fire

Game Information

After being shipwrecked in a very, very cold region, a couple finds an igloo to shelter from the cold. There is no way to stay in place for a long time. The boat appeared at the lake's edge, but the path to reach it is blocked by a large tree. The only way to get through is to find an object to get it out of the way, which will not be an easy task, as the climate and the need to keep the fire burning inside the shelter can make the task difficult.


This is my first game, made for the My First Game Jam: Winter 2020. I used Construct 2 Free Version engine, and made the pixel art using Aseprite, and all the songs are downloaded from Freesound. The theme of the Game Jam is "Cold", so I started with an ideia of a horror game (genre I like most), but how Construct 2 Free Version has a 100 events limit, it is almost impossible (once I had all the animation done in the engine). But how I wanted to finish something, it became a survival game (or almost that lol). I spent around 15\18 hours on it, and I think it's acceptable. I don't have enough money to buy a Construct licence right now, so I will keep trying to make some short games for fun and learning. It was a great challenge, maybe I will fix some bug and stuff in next days. I intended to add cutscenes, but I couldn't because of the events limit, so the story information and stuff are all here. :)


A W D S - Move
E - Interact


- Collect firewood to keep the fire burning.
- Find an object on the map to destroy the tree that is blocking the acess to the boat.
- After finding the object, defrost it by placing it near the campfire. After defrosting, you can use the item.

Extra info:

- English is not my native language, so some mistakes may appear (pretend you didn't see lol).

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sigma160's avatar
sigma160      (more than a year ago)


Emperorcharizar's avatar
Emperorcharizar      (more than a year ago)

can't find the thing bruh

dogefounder's avatar
dogefounder      (more than a year ago)

Love it.

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