Cliche Adventure Hacked


Game & Hack Information

May 04, 2020 4300 Plays Action 2.51 MB

Hacked By: leverage419    

Hack Information:
Keyhacks: Press 1 Toggle Health - 2 Toggle Gold

Game Information
A couch co-op zelda like adventure game Iv'e been working on for a few years.

It can be played single player or with a friend. Both players can use a controller, or one player can use a controller while the other uses the keyboard. The game consists of a hub world with one completed dungeon at this time. It also has several board games within the main game including chess, checkers, go, and go-chess.



Left thumb stick = move.

A = use sword.

Y = talk to people / open doors and chests / pick stuff up.

Hold B + move left thumb stick then release B = change spell.

Hold X. aim with left thumb stick then release X = use spell. Spells cost gold to use.


W,A,S,D = move.

Space = use sword.

Up Arrow = talk to people / open doors and chests / pick stuff up.

Hold Right Arrow + W,A,S,D then release Right Arrow = change spell.

Hold Left Arrow. aim with W,A,S,D then release Left Arrow = use spell. Spells cost gold to use.

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rahyul's avatar
rahyul      (more than a year ago)

sucked errrrrrrrrr

sigma160's avatar
sigma160      (more than a year ago)


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