Protektor Hacked


Game & Hack Information

May 10, 2020 5863 Plays Action 4.09 MB

Hacked By: leverage419    

Hack Information:
Keyhacks: Press 1 Toggle Godmode - 2 Toggle Ammo

Game Information
Protektor is a game originally created for the Ludum Dare #46 Jam (theme: "Keep it alive")

In the game you must protect a VIP target and bring him alive to the end of each floor.
You can also collect stars (3 for each level) to increase your self esteem.
You have limited bullets and you must collect them around the level or from your enemies.

Movement: Arrow keys or WASD
Fire: Z, X, Y or Shift
Stand still to reload your gun

If you get shot or the VIP gets shot you loose.

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rahyul's avatar
rahyul      (more than a year ago)

im loving eat i want more fun

sigma160's avatar
sigma160      (more than a year ago)

darn cant shoot the vip

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