Developed By: Jem_hunter
Hacked By: leverage419
Hack Information:
Keyhacks: Press S Toggle Godmode - D Win Level
Game Information
A simple game about fixing very simple circuitry.
Hopefully it should be fairly self explainitory but you might have to do a little thinking for yourself.
Made in two weeks, a twofold task to myself - get it done in time (I originally intended 1 week but that was unrealistic) and actually finish something! :P
This is my first published PICO-8 cart but by no means my first attempt.
I am not really an artist and definitely not a musician so appologies if these are not the best. (You can mute just the music from the pause menu)
I really enjoyed the process of making this and thought I would share it. It is in a finished state but it may need some difficulty tweaking at some point.
I would like to give credit to: for showing me how to do screen shake. Found here
pixelbytes for the thick print code. Found here
I know I could have figured these things out by myself but it was nice that there were examples there when I searched for them.
Thank you to:
Zep - for the PICO-8
The community - for being an inspiration
Everyone who has been patient with my crazy ideas and overly ambitious (and unfinished) projects
Cheats: Hackbar: Press [G] Toggle health - [H] Ammo (Current weapon,...
Hacked By: selectLOL
Cheats: Hackbar: Press [1] Toggle Health - [2] Weapons & Items -...
Hacked By: leverage419
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