Cerberus Hacked


Game & Hack Information

May 08, 2023 15010 Plays Arcade 664.08 KB

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Hack Information:
Keyhacks: Press 1 Toggle godmode

Game Information
Cerberus has been lax on his job of guarding the underworld recently, leading to a number of souls breaking out. Control the hound of hell on his mission to retrieve those souls and "deliver" them back to the underworld.

Each soul returned gives you xp to level up your bite strength and run stamina. The more souls you return at once, the higher the xp multiplier will be, so try returning as many as possible at a time. Be careful though: Getting hit makes you drop all your souls, forcing you to recollect them quickly before they can return to their bodies.

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Fesicop13's avatar
Fesicop13      (9 months ago)

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rolsroly's avatar
rolsroly      (more than a year ago)

That's a new game for me. Thanks for a new experience.

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