Gangster Mario Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Apr 04, 2010 28115 Plays Action 1.45 MB

Hacked By: jCuber    

Hack Information:
Health hack, lives hack, ammo hack

Requested By: hydramooseman

Game Information
Mario and Luigi join a gang. The ducks get harder to kill and bowser fires a cannon at you but this time you get to use a gun!

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sigma160's avatar
sigma160      (more than a year ago)

at last I got that dog

smallboy944's avatar
smallboy944      (more than a year ago)

Forest Maze music sounds like Mario killing so many turtles.

xplosionplaya's avatar
xplosionplaya      (more than a year ago)

to skip to the boss, type in castle for last level

JGOPN506's avatar
JGOPN506      (more than a year ago)

Why hacking this game? There are password cheats.

Juderock's avatar
Juderock      (more than a year ago)

Look where do i type the cheats huh?

Juderock's avatar
Juderock     (more than a year ago)

Never mind i type it in passwords

Awesomemario's avatar
Awesomemario     (more than a year ago)

in the password box in the password section

Killerboy138's avatar
Killerboy138      (more than a year ago)

the hack is dust

leboz's avatar
leboz      (more than a year ago)

there is know health hack or ammo hack why man seriosly

mapleman22's avatar
mapleman22      (more than a year ago)

thumbs up if there should be more characters

Ensar's avatar
Ensar     (more than a year ago)

mapleman22 I agree

pancake9000's avatar
pancake9000      (more than a year ago)

im hungry gimme a pizza

snickers's avatar
snickers      (more than a year ago)

i ghad cheats for it
getealife:infenetife lives
duckhunt:infenetife ammo godmario:god mode boss:bos lvl

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