Pico Sim Date Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Sep 23, 2008 101814 Plays RPG 3.35 MB

Hacked By: DeathWillDie*1    

Hack Information:
Money, Health and Stat Points hack

Game Information
After breaking up with his girlfriend he has to go out to look for another one and it is up to you to help him out. Best of luck finding a new girl friend for pico in pico sim date game.

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Pootisguy's avatar
Pootisguy      (more than a year ago)

don't study,drink or go to gym or else your points will return to 250

mynameisfin's avatar
mynameisfin      (more than a year ago)

The ending is funny XD

mynameisfin's avatar
mynameisfin      (more than a year ago)

omfg I was going to ask Nene out somehow Pico said he's going out. THE GAME IS CURSED

360AsSaSsIn's avatar
360AsSaSsIn      (more than a year ago)


CakeAnarchy's avatar
CakeAnarchy      (more than a year ago)

Nene Chow
August 17
Band: Instantanious
50 kg
Br: 78 Height: 165 Shop: M Bottlers Anime: Transal Star Anime Music: RnB Hip: 86 Waist: 53 Brothers: 2 Design: Dremio Horror: shadows Potato pie Capricorn 133 IQ Sexay_Nene08426-hotmail

aditya30's avatar
aditya30      (more than a year ago)

What is my waist size.
I'm not completely sure by my zodiac sign is
Do you know my hip size 86 She has two brothers Most of my clothes are from the design label Dremino I soo want to see that horror into the shadows am I getting fat? how

cloudcrash150's avatar
cloudcrash150      (more than a year ago)

august 17

GuinevereBeth's avatar
GuinevereBeth     (more than a year ago)


cloudcrash150's avatar
cloudcrash150      (more than a year ago)

204-783-4529 nene's phone number

hansel234's avatar
hansel234      (more than a year ago)

tardis 1234,i've tried but it did not work

crazydez500's avatar
crazydez500      (more than a year ago)

make it where the health hack works each day

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