Floater on ice Hacked


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Apr 14, 2010 8618 Plays Arcade 3.08 MB

Hacked By: Deathnote202    

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Poke the dead body and try to cause as much trama as possible

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blackharp101's avatar
blackharp101      (more than a year ago)

i got 1807612 points in the game... unhacked.

ninja_swordyoshi's avatar
ninja_swordyoshi      (more than a year ago)

ok time to test the censor: heroes

xem's avatar
xem      (more than a year ago)

ok haters out there. please do shut up. if you played this and hated it oh well should of used your brain and thought.. "hm pokin a guy down river good game or not" like really grow up and do something with you life besides leavin hate comments. oh and for helloimbob stfu ok! if the dude got that score then for sure he has no life.

sidd00000's avatar
sidd00000      (more than a year ago)

pretty fun

pacman717's avatar
pacman717      (more than a year ago)

worst game iv ever played i lost 7 min of my life

VariousFail's avatar
VariousFail      (more than a year ago)


the_dude456's avatar
the_dude456      (more than a year ago)

fgmdmgvsmdgmfmbvc,mbdmfbmdkfnbdnvbifhnbnlfnrbi lsnilnblnlitbtbfdbtfb

WindTrickz's avatar
WindTrickz      (more than a year ago)

the stick is like a foofaraw when you stick him in the back lol..

jimmy545*1's avatar
jimmy545*1      (more than a year ago)

this game sucks sh*t.

RillerRobot's avatar
RillerRobot      (more than a year ago)


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