Skybolt Hacked


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Apr 21, 2010 16633 Plays Strategy 1.01 MB

Hacked By: praetor    

Hack Information:

Requested By: forum

Game Information
A incredible strategy game. It is a time of crisis. A power hungry, land hogging, war mongering country has launched an all out assault to take over your island, but you're ready, you're mobilized, you're committed and you're ready to defend your home.

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redlantern4's avatar
redlantern4      (more than a year ago)

So... we're talking about hot people, eh? Well, here you go... Marta Gotera, Remy Lacroix, Bianca Ancieta, Valerie Cormier, Courtey Tailor, Shione Cooper, Anna Sophia Robb, and finally, Channel West Coast. Leave a like if you like!

pmurphyjr98's avatar
pmurphyjr98      (more than a year ago)

If you turn down the graphics it seems to go faster...

TheDoubleO's avatar
TheDoubleO      (more than a year ago)

Question: Can you sell cities on eBay?

zavern's avatar
zavern      (more than a year ago)

To everyone who says that there isn't a fast-forward button, there is, its the purple double arrow button next to the sound control.

techguy123's avatar
techguy123      (more than a year ago)

good game but gets boring

blendernation's avatar
blendernation      (more than a year ago)

they should be a fast fast forward button

sedeat's avatar
sedeat      (more than a year ago)

wish i could spend a night with megan fox!!! =d

helios1425's avatar
helios1425     (more than a year ago)

how is that related to anything

azrael300's avatar
azrael300     (more than a year ago)

um ali... who is megan fox? why is there 21 retards that fergot to click the show buton next to reply to see the comment? WHY !!! WHY!!!!! WHY1!!!! FEGALIN! FEGALIN!! FFFEEGGGAALLLIINNN!!!!!!!!!!!

ainsley8008's avatar
ainsley8008      (more than a year ago)

Jessica Alba is so hot mmm... agree?

0123456789's avatar
0123456789      (more than a year ago)

lol jokes mwhaaaa nha

0123456789's avatar
0123456789      (more than a year ago)


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