Frontline defense Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Apr 25, 2010 20253 Plays Action 2.5 MB

Hacked By: Deathnote202    

Hack Information:
Intel, Cooldown is disabled

Game Information
You must place troops to kill the enemy

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Shinori's avatar
Shinori      (more than a year ago)

Dammit, can't get that "get killed 5 units blah blah" medal. Any tips pretty please?
Like mission, units and their layout. - Tried hardest mission weakest units... No luck. =/

Shinori's avatar
Shinori     (more than a year ago)

Nevermind, got it finally. =)

2K13BrOtHeR's avatar
2K13BrOtHeR      (more than a year ago)

thumbs up if your awesome and not gay XD AND THIS GAME IS PrEtTy CoOl

patrick62040's avatar
patrick62040     (more than a year ago)

whats wrong with being gay? hmmmm

shaydude's avatar
shaydude      (more than a year ago)


lovelynat's avatar
lovelynat      (more than a year ago)

loved it :D

killermckiller21's avatar
killermckiller21      (more than a year ago)

This game awesommmmmmmeeeeee :D

vincent024's avatar
vincent024      (more than a year ago)

Very good games

DARK475's avatar
DARK475      (more than a year ago)

one of the best games besides stick wars and raze and raze 2

rozzpot's avatar
rozzpot      (more than a year ago)

this game is awesome and so is the new site

awesometiger312's avatar
awesometiger312      (more than a year ago)

The game is awesome but I don't like how the troops start moving diagonally or whatever to kill a guy, it ruins the order of things

TheGreatAngel's avatar
TheGreatAngel      (more than a year ago)

this reminds me of advance wars fog the gsmeboy advance

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