Creeper World Training Sim "DEMO" Hacked


Game & Hack Information

May 04, 2010 36704 Plays Strategy 4.2 MB

Hacked By: DPETTY    

Hack Information:
Only 4 packets needed for everything except drones and totems - Once weapons are full you can move them anywhere because they will have infinite ammo and power. So they won't need to be connected once filled with energy and ammo!

Game Information
IMPORTANT!! As the title says "training sim" This game as allot of you don't know is a DEMO! Meaning once you beat the 5 worlds they will ask if you want to buy the full game. DON'T ASK US FOR THE FULL VERSION - WE WON'T DO IT! If you like it then buy it and help the author of the game make more games. Enjoy

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HackTheSchool's avatar
HackTheSchool      (more than a year ago)

Why no full version? :(

MasterPro2000's avatar
MasterPro2000      (more than a year ago)

T.H.O.R. is cool thumbs up if you agree

xracecar's avatar
xracecar      (more than a year ago)

Creepers gonna creep

whizkid307's avatar
whizkid307      (more than a year ago)

This comment is hacked thumbs up it as many as you want :)

whizkid307's avatar
whizkid307      (more than a year ago)

Dpetty rocks cancer sucks dpetty all the way hey

XXELITENINJAXX      (more than a year ago)

R.I.P DPETTY he rocked D:

sooooo sad D: cancer sucks :(

julius03's avatar
julius03      (more than a year ago)


Asdan's avatar
Asdan      (more than a year ago)

Creeper world Evermore and user space.has a hack that makes T.H.O.R.ITS AN ULTIMATE WEAPON.T.H.O.R can vapourize a wave of creeper in one shot.try it 0 to build T.H.O.R

Gabe1e's avatar
Gabe1e      (more than a year ago)


tommie31's avatar
tommie31      (more than a year ago)

falconspartan, i agree...
and i have the full game and CW2 full game :)

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