Azul Baronis Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Oct 23, 2008 45799 Plays Shooting 2.99 MB

Hacked By: mathewthe2    

Hack Information:
Infinity Shield

Game Information
Azul Baronis is a game centered around huge space battles between multiple forces. You have the ability to possess a single ship (one of two kinds) in one of those forces, with no significant advantage over the computer controlled ships other than your skill as a human player. If you want to stand out, you have to work for it.

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Rebellion9998's avatar
Rebellion9998      (more than a year ago)

We also want the big turtle Cruiser (Testudon) to be playable/controllable too.

Androidslc56's avatar
Androidslc56      (more than a year ago)

Don't have mothership of blue team?

Androidslc56's avatar
Androidslc56      (more than a year ago)

Lets ask he hacker to add a button that turns us to a destroyer or a big turtle thingy

DrSkillz's avatar
DrSkillz      (more than a year ago)

Its been so long since ive been in meh fighter, but blue team needs me, so baby im back!

dragon80l's avatar
dragon80l      (more than a year ago)

the nostalgia hit me hard visiting this game after to many years

PzkM's avatar
PzkM      (more than a year ago)

Revisiting this game after a long time. Still one of my all time favorites.

Naif123's avatar
Naif123      (more than a year ago)

or the testudon :)

Naif123's avatar
Naif123      (more than a year ago)

add a button that transforms you into a destroyer!

KyoZero's avatar
KyoZero      (more than a year ago)

Really old yet great game!

Naif123's avatar
Naif123      (more than a year ago)


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