Head Space Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Jun 02, 2010 8125 Plays Shooting 1.91 MB

Hacked By: roflmao987    

Hack Information:
Infinite Lives for both player 1 and player 2!

Game Information
Shoot rain drops and bosses all by yourself or with your friend.

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Ninjas Vs Mafia 2

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Cheats: Hackbar: Press [1] Add 100 Bonus Health - [2] Skill Points +...

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hexcristian's avatar
hexcristian      (more than a year ago)

real good

FantasyDude's avatar
FantasyDude      (more than a year ago)

such a cool game

theodoremk's avatar
theodoremk      (more than a year ago)

good game and good hacker... though it would have been more fun if theres infinite health, food, and gas

roflmao987's avatar
roflmao987          (more than a year ago)

dude,this game isn't mad trucker.why do people leave comments on the wrong games?

love2cheat's avatar
love2cheat     (more than a year ago)

Because there is a glitch in this site where if you open multiple game tabs, the comments mix up.

theodoremk's avatar
theodoremk      (more than a year ago)

say can dave or martin hack lyk UBER pros when they first came here?
NO. They hacked lots of games b4 they became lyk now. it takes time u know

tangakaba's avatar
tangakaba      (more than a year ago)

Earth to honkgronkers are you there?

Darkhack3r's avatar
Darkhack3r      (more than a year ago)

can martin or dave hack that bloons supermonkey game?

d1g1talaxe's avatar
d1g1talaxe     (more than a year ago)

they cant ninja kiwi wont allow it i know it sucks

honkgronkers's avatar
honkgronkers     (more than a year ago)

how the f|_|ck can a kiwi be a ninja?

skullorz's avatar
skullorz     (more than a year ago)


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