Larry Gnomergeddon Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Jun 05, 2010 23620 Plays Beat em Up 5.99 MB

Hacked By: DPETTY    

Hack Information:
Health - Stamina - Ammo - And 1 hit Rage Refill (Either hit one enemy or get hit once to completely fill your rage meter)

Requested By: love2cheat

Game Information
Larry: Gnomergeddon is a side scrolling fighting game. A gnome army is attacking the city. Collect the 10 gems of doom and slaugther all gnomes in your way.

NOTE: Special thanks to for allowing this game to be posted on APH!

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xdemon42's avatar
xdemon42      (more than a year ago)

by day 10, I had 99,994,979 points...

glovers55's avatar
glovers55      (more than a year ago)

May the DPetty hacks be with you

andrei3000's avatar
andrei3000      (more than a year ago)

really good game

Gohan713's avatar
Gohan713      (more than a year ago)

dpetty dead noooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!

qusair's avatar
qusair      (more than a year ago)

coool game...

xHaloRox12x's avatar
xHaloRox12x      (more than a year ago)

WOW killing gnomes....

xHaloRox12x's avatar
xHaloRox12x      (more than a year ago)

one time i couldn't move cause the red things that move you back and there were
two on each side.... .

lucariofan81's avatar
lucariofan81     (more than a year ago)

its called jumping

kenkoodle's avatar
kenkoodle      (more than a year ago)

cool game

kenkoodle's avatar
kenkoodle      (more than a year ago)

I want adventures and the rage is awesome.

ilovemcdonalds's avatar
ilovemcdonalds      (more than a year ago)

f u gnomes

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