Treasure of Cutlass Reef Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Oct 25, 2008 90478 Plays Action 973.37 KB

Hacked By: RJT    

Hack Information:
Ship Health, Gold, Crew, Ammo

Game Information
You are the commander of this pirate ship, you can move and rotate with the A,W,D or the arrow keys. To fire the cannons, press the space, f or Ctrl key.
Your goal: Destroy the enemy fleet guarding the treasure!

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Porckcheop's avatar
Porckcheop      (more than a year ago)

Fun game. :)

PlasmaDeath's avatar
PlasmaDeath      (more than a year ago)

I battle 4 ships with crew :D

azxcasd's avatar
azxcasd      (more than a year ago)

XD nan pirates on board

xtract's avatar
xtract      (more than a year ago)

good and interesting game with hack whitout hacks- hard game thumbs up if you agree!

Mapso3000's avatar
Mapso3000      (more than a year ago)

i used to be a pirate then i took a broadside to the face

k6ka's avatar
k6ka      (more than a year ago)

tip: beside every enemy ship you will see a box with numbers on it. from top to bottom:
of gold coins on board
ship health
of cannons
of crew

k6ka's avatar
k6ka     (more than a year ago)

from top to bottom:
number of gold coins on board
ship's health
number of cannons number of crew members

TaLeBuSt159's avatar
TaLeBuSt159      (more than a year ago)

IN the 2 last round I got bored but good hack.......

lance472's avatar
lance472      (more than a year ago)


XXXpacoXXX's avatar
XXXpacoXXX      (more than a year ago)

Nova Prospekt

justin12901's avatar
justin12901      (more than a year ago)

y cant u go up?

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