Hacked By: Proditor
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Starting Points hack!
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Requested By: keigan74
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Spread the virus, infect the world. KILL EVERYONE!
RIP DPETTY. Thou wilt be missed
I love how the virus replicates it self and i called mine Egodeath virus
i won
Hey i also named another H1N1
Imvaccinated,i live at canada and one person of canada survived and all the others died XD
in Pandemic 2 I did H1N1
Named it
"Random explosions in snuggles"
what... *99% for 5 days, HURRY UP AND DIE 1 MORE %
lethality: 0
*88% of mankind now dead from virus
... I never failed, but they closed transport, so It's impossible to spread.
My disease was all mental issues, Dementia, depression, ect...
Screwed up stuff man.
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