Oil Spill Cleaner Hacked


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Jun 18, 2010 10921 Plays Action 1.29 MB

Hacked By: Proditor    

Hack Information:
Upgrade points hack

Game Information
The birds can't wait for oil companies to clean up the mess: we need you to do it!

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Person7's avatar
Person7      (more than a year ago)

Gah the fireball only has ten percent chance of working!

Atilio102's avatar
Atilio102      (more than a year ago)


josiah98's avatar
josiah98      (more than a year ago)

*sigh* if only this were true

11fry11's avatar
11fry11      (more than a year ago)

yay last comment got -20 i want more

frankomisko's avatar
frankomisko      (more than a year ago)

Woot i killed all the wildlife ^^

ralg100's avatar
ralg100      (more than a year ago)

funny... I just played oilgarchy right before this

Nasher912's avatar
Nasher912     (more than a year ago)

lol,same here,like were cleaning up our own messes

handman2010's avatar
handman2010     (more than a year ago)

same here

punked147's avatar
punked147      (more than a year ago)

stupid BP without them all this oil wouldnt be here i mean watever happend to backup plans

liverpool09's avatar
liverpool09      (more than a year ago)

bordem is so boring :p

efrain's avatar
efrain      (more than a year ago)

i wonder were all this oil goes?????????

Shock Trooper's avatar
Shock Trooper     (more than a year ago)

Back into our gas-tanks.

ivelisseoleaga's avatar
ivelisseoleaga      (more than a year ago)

burn baby burn

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